Thursday, 27 July 2017

28 -7 -2017 Friday

Saw specialist - blah blah, trouble - but in the foyer was one of Karim's pix, which I snapped (above)  Made my day. What a treasure the difficult drug addled geezer was.... far better than I remembered.
I have today at Philippes, drawing.

Sunday, 23 July 2017

24 07 2017 monday

Was thinking of renaming the blog the non-work diary or the work avoidance diary or somesuch, when I finished the mosaic in the garden which has been a huge amount of work. If I'd realised what I was doing I'd never have started, ha! How often.... but the memory of Therese kept me going. 
AND I've spent a day doing a watercolour, out at La Serpent. Torture but there's no doubt I'm getting better. Hoping that if I can master the vocabulary it'll provide a way of dealing with these stupendous landscapes. 
No drawing today - have to translate at the doctors for Bob. Family arrive after that. Seeing specialist on Thursday but have made a date for friday up in the hills...

Thursday, 20 July 2017

21st July Friday

Mercifully, the art weekend show at Magrie has accepted me. I think I really would have quit if not. Am off to Oumaghs gallery in late August, staying over with my cousins, to collect the work which I'II show at Magrie.
Still no work done. Everytime I set out to get to the studio something else demands attention. Have booked a day-away to draw -  if the weather holds, I'II be in La Serpent and unavailable for distractions.
How has it come to this??

Saturday, 15 July 2017

15 july 2017 saturday

Beginning to suspect that I've retired.

Back from London, where I saw some dear folks and did little else - saw La Traviata and Sibelius' 5th enacted - Grayson Perry at the Serpentine. Had to take a taxi there as I so can't walk. Terrifying, never felt so vulnerable.

The possible show in the crypt now looks a probable not-happening; the unveiling at the atheneum wont occur before November; I sniffed vaguely around for a show but my energy so low I really can't be arsed.

Currently, slowly, finishing the mosaic in the garden. Nearly there.