Saturday 28 November 2020

29 `11 2020

 Canvases arrived. They claimed to be top quality but weren't, as I must have known from the price. So been gessoing and adjusting stretchers, they'll be OK but annoyed with myself for being a prat. Also smaller than I thought. I knew the size but, lordy, my relationship with numbers is dreadful. 

Now got 5 small canvases prepared and 10 50 x50 - and Bob returning on the 4th. Robin arriving on the 3rd. 

Ah well, life is long. I'II have time to sort a new motif.

Friday 27 November 2020

27 11 2020

 Flattened by a tummy bug which is quite reassuring (now the worst is over) as I couldn't think why I felt so bad. Tired and achy. Followed by vomit, shits and temperature. Now just tired and able to rest. How lovely - all that worries are the parrots, who got put to bed by 7.00pm last night and have had little company all day. So; no work done. Though did some preliminary stuff on 5 little canvases yesterday, still waiting for the new canvases to arrive - dec 2cnd latest date. 

Wednesday 25 November 2020

25 11 2020

Signed off... too much fiddling. Like both; one, self portrait at 70 as a mermaid in a tank, two, the pearl maiden - tribute to the father who wrote of his daughter in The Pearl and yes, I know it ain't an oyster. The notation is pilgrim. 
Clean brushes and palette now, wait for new canvases to arrive.

Tuesday 24 November 2020

25 11 2020

 Portrait of the artist at 70 as a mermaid in a tank. Unfinished. Dawdling over all unfinished work as the fresh canvases I've ordered haven't arrived yet.

Dawdling over everything, come to think of it. Living alone and at a time of isolation means fluctuating between panic and acute non-urgency, it seems. Great zoom last night with cybersoc, its clear they are not holding their breath for my arts commentary - enough on their hands-  so can relax on that front. 

Friday 20 November 2020

20 11 2020

 Bob made it to blighty, safely, late, so can relax. Finishing up some stuff because, lordy, haven't got any other canvas. How stupid is that - not to stock up before a confinement. And I've overpainted all that I want to overpaint; but can probably find more.

Tuesday 17 November 2020

7 11 2020

 Pretty busy here trying to get Bobs journey sorted and everything in place for his absence. Found time to savage the refugee painting of a few weeks ago - starting to restructure - and planning to junk the second self portrait. Enough already.

Saturday 14 November 2020

14 11 2020

 Hideous! But signed off - another version in process. Or it would if I wasn't being really lazy. Looked in the studio first thing and came straight out, determined to address the paper I haven't written. Went for a walk instead. Lovely day. Proper autumn.

Wednesday 11 November 2020

11 11 2020

Two little old ones sent to Tom in Ross yesterday - postage almost as much as a pic! - but better in a pretty home than my garage. Hoping to start an on line shop and start shifting some stuff, however cheaply.

 Terrifying self-portrait coming on nastily, actually terribly liberating to describe myself like this - a 70 yr old in lockdown. Which is my best side?? hahaha

Sunday 8 November 2020

08 11 2020

 Pressing on, between elation and despair, as these things go. Realised that the sense of familiarity was nothing to do with the fact theses are self portraits, but that they are like the work of  AOS, Austin Spare, and artist that interested me a decade ago - until I read his written works and looked at more illustrations. I dunno; of course all artists have to be self-indulgent or nothing would get made but there's a fine line. Not too fine, in his case. Maybe not in mine either.

Saturday 7 November 2020

07 11 2020

two false starts to play with - :) Enjoying this, I may no longer be cute but I'm interesting hahah at least to me. 


Thursday 5 November 2020

05 11 2020

 Actually started a new painting yesterday. Time for some self-portraits. 

But what with Bob being  (literally) laid up, there isn't a lot of time. Have made a start and have a functioning art-head.

Tuesday 3 November 2020

03 11 2020

 After huge deliberation, got out two blank canvases. Looking at them. 

Running about between times looking after poor Bob.  And dealing with the astonishingly awkward editors for my paper (=copyright issues that are manifestly ok, parts of the text that are self-evident), worrying about new paper for zoom lecture, and more pleasantly, playing chess on line. Surprising how much head-space a series of moves can take.

Got to get Bob out for exercise now.

Monday 2 November 2020

02 11 2020

 Still nursemaiding... did I mention that Bob is hors d'combat? Back totally gone and he's out of it on painkillers. Mercifully have got an app for him on Weds with his osteo, miraculously in the covid crisis. Might make some studio time today if I'm cunning.