Tuesday 30 April 2024

30 04 2024

 I've finished making notes for my talk on death; I'm about to start on the tax returns.

Got to paint a banner for the art show, held over the ascension in the MJC.

Cleaned some brushes.

Its a full life.

Wednesday 24 April 2024

25 04 2024

 Ducklings; running on water, it seemed. The Mama was steering them down to the heronry so doubt that they are still with us. 

***Note to self: The 25 nature diary drawings are under the mattress on the studio day bed. Couldn't find another flat surface to store them on.  Room for more. Though at current rate there will be just 50 pages to explain the cycle of life here and my engagement with it. Oh well and a hey nonny no -

24 04 2024

 managed some exercise this morning, glory - been too crippled since moving next to studio and exercise machine to have a go. Not sure if its worth it, if one should lie down and accept the inevitable, but I doo feel somewhat friskier.

- not apparent in the drawing.
This morning, there was a young nuthatch in the garden. Not sure if I can do it justice. Meanwhile, ducklings.

Thursday 18 April 2024

18 04 2024

 Bugs in water. Have to draw standing up as back bad, a new pain in my catalogue - constant and unattractive. Enjoyed the drawing though.

Wednesday 17 April 2024

17 04 2014

Abandoning this, secure in the knowledge that my skills are not up to getting it right. Though its chiefly the smell l wanted, hot sun on emerging figs. 

Working on larvae in the Aude now.

Sunday 14 April 2024

14 04 2024

Should probably tweak this but I've released him back into the wild...
So very lovely! 
Got others on the go so he'll  have to stay, despite unhappy likeness to '50's cartoon character whose name I've forgotten.


Saturday 13 April 2024

13 04 2024

Not lacking models at the moment, loads of birds, fish, flowers - and a ginormous moth which I'm currently about. Only need cartridge paper for that and couldn't find any; then uncovered an old portfolio with a SEALED packet of 25 large sheets. 
Already got marks on some of the pages.
Weird, some sort of invitation to incorporate.


Wednesday 10 April 2024

10 04 2024

 Somewhat belatedly, decided to improve my health. This involves moving bedrooms. The new bedroom has an accessible shower so I can stand under hot water and move in the mornings, arthritis being what it is. Next to that is an exercise bike, so I can improve muscle function. 

So far, preparing new bedroom is killing me :) Had to clean and prepare. Tomorrow will do bed and start schlepping stuff. 

Managed to finish this en passant -

Saturday 6 April 2024

07 04 2024

No idea what this is about except perhaps that my continued efforts to suspend scepticism have lead to a dawning of kitsch. 


Friday 5 April 2024

05 04 2024

 Miserable about my poor skills, ineptitude, slight vision.

On the other hand, there's a glimmer...

Alarmed at the angst this nonsense is requiring.

Tuesday 2 April 2024

02 04 2024

cleaned studio - a bit - finished two nature drawings... would like to say I'm on a roll but l'm not.