Tuesday 28 February 2023

28 02 2023

 As is the way with half-formed painting, a can of worms has opened - so took today off and went to Quillan to check out the little gallery I'm due in in June. It was closed due to the energy crisis. But it was possible to get in the back way and talk to someone. Wanted a date for the vernissage, which I'II have to wait on as no-one knows when is possible. Measured the space. It is clear that my original grandiose ideas will have to go - there isn't room.

Disappointed. This will probably be my last show and there were pictures I wanted to see out of the studio and together. Can't imagine how that might happen now, sigh.

Sunday 26 February 2023

26 02 2023

Thinking of the bits between marriage and divorce and thought of family meals... rather perturbed that this is emerging.
The divorce painting need another few coats and must dry, so on hold.


Thursday 23 February 2023

23 02 2023

 Fiddling with Divorce ; getting slowly along. Either needs a huge change or being left alone for all the layers to congeal.

No panic.

Tuesday 21 February 2023

21 02 2023

Its like one of those 'spot the difference' competitions -
I'd thought it finished but suspect I'm just tired. Good, fierce day of energetic painting and thinking. 
Not often I say that.


Saturday 18 February 2023

18 02 2023

 ...its moving and won't look so bad soon - or maybe it'll look worse, dunno. 

Got a clear direction for the body of work that'll sit sweetly for the Quillan expo, based on a humans life cycle. This will be divorce.

Got birth (s = genesis stuff), pre-birth (bright denizens, the pearl) young love (Orpheus) marriage (the wedding) old age (=Job, Resuscitation) masses on death (road kill, headless plus boats) and probably more between times. 

Possibly too much, will drop in and measure up soonish.

Thursday 16 February 2023

16 02 2023

 ...started again, in response to an image that had me by the throat. Actually rather better than that, it was more like being in love.

God knows what, why, etc etc. Just captivated.

And sold a painting! Lizzie Jackson bought Brises taking the Armour to Achilles. Must find a simpler title. Still have to deal with package and transit. But not today.

Sunday 12 February 2023

12 02 2023

 ...a long lunch party yesterday gave me an opportunity to spend some quality time with Peter Dunn and to talk over some ideas. Realised some things are intractable and are best ignored. Moved some work into the little gallery which is now full; will have to triage and get some into the garage to store. So need an assistant who isn't as aged as me.

Does one become ill by not painting or not paint because one is ill?

Feel like sleeping for the next few months.

Sunday 5 February 2023

05 02 2023

 Zilch work. Maybe the reading I'm doing counts? What I am reading is complicated... books from newly dead friends, marked in places by them, studied to make a different mind-set from my own. 

Most interesting exercise, trying to suspend my voice and will.

.....and in the meantime, another artist close to my heart is ill, possible not fatally, but with the prospect of loosing an eye. 

Thursday 2 February 2023

02 02 2023

 Still no work :) Though Gracie hoovered the studio (=asthma prevents me...) and I washed the floor. Off to friends today. Maybe I've really retired.