Random shots of Yann in studio - and studio, blanked out for the light. Nice.
In Amsterdam, by luck, I met Lino Hellings. She advised me to keep my work diary on-line, exposing my work methods rather than protecting them, risking the humiliation involved in failure. So:celebrate error. In my heart I knew this to be a good idea. My brain, horrified, fortunately tells me it will be too boring for anyone to read.
Friday, 28 September 2018
28 09 2018
Spent yesterday cleaning the studio and today Yann is taking the annual photos - which it turns out he hasnt done for about three years, explaining the paucity of images on my site. Need to tart that up.
Tuesday, 25 September 2018
25 09 2018
Finished!!!! Another where a laborious struggle gets accidentally and rather casually jig-sawed together. Can see obvious flaws but am too pleased to make changes.
Friday, 21 September 2018
22 09 2018
The seagulls have to go - pity as they have shaped up well. Thats another pic. Rather panicked as Yann is coming to do the photos on the 28th so anything I want done must be finished by then. Today is with D and V who are visiting, at St Ferriol - can at least pause and consider there. In general, too much racket going on, in my head and around it.
Wednesday, 19 September 2018
19 09 2018
Finished! Or at least, Im done with fiddling; its enough. Used a drawing of the pregnant Marie to shape the figure, remembering St Paul, 'It will be a time of great distress...'
Just looked it up and its Matthew, (Mat 24:22) and I cant find a mention of the woe to the pregnant women thang though the prayer that it doesn't happen in the winter or on the sabbath is there - notwithstanding, the references don't matter. Except to me and I like the tongues of fire, the buried woman, the collapsing buildings. Vraiment apocalyptic.
When I finished it, just now, I actually sang to it.
But now... this is NOT finished and full of unsolved dilemas. Back to the grindstone.
Just looked it up and its Matthew, (Mat 24:22) and I cant find a mention of the woe to the pregnant women thang though the prayer that it doesn't happen in the winter or on the sabbath is there - notwithstanding, the references don't matter. Except to me and I like the tongues of fire, the buried woman, the collapsing buildings. Vraiment apocalyptic.
When I finished it, just now, I actually sang to it.
But now... this is NOT finished and full of unsolved dilemas. Back to the grindstone.
Thursday, 13 September 2018
13 09 2018
All going rather well. Time, good light.... Bob's away. Will snap new paintings anon.
Tuesday, 11 September 2018
11 09 2018
Here's an unfinished painting and a finished saint.
End-of-world pic looks rather jolly, oddly.
Mad dreams. Saw the sun spots become detached and wash the landscape with back-lit neon colours, beautiful. They were projected onto mist.
I opened the front door - it was still misty on the doorstep were a huddle of puffins, one in a girl-child's clothes. Deary me.
Once actually awake I found one of the little parrots had laid an egg on the floor of its cage. She is ignoring it and sitting mostly in the nesting box where hopefully there are more, fertilised, about to brighten the days.
Hey ho. Back to work.

End-of-world pic looks rather jolly, oddly.
Mad dreams. Saw the sun spots become detached and wash the landscape with back-lit neon colours, beautiful. They were projected onto mist.
I opened the front door - it was still misty on the doorstep were a huddle of puffins, one in a girl-child's clothes. Deary me.
Once actually awake I found one of the little parrots had laid an egg on the floor of its cage. She is ignoring it and sitting mostly in the nesting box where hopefully there are more, fertilised, about to brighten the days.
Hey ho. Back to work.
Monday, 10 September 2018
10 09 2018
Did three crappy drawings in Porto but they have a bit of mileage in them. This morning's drawing was Marie modeling, very well. Shes 6 months pregnant which makes for some lovely balances in her poses - hope she'll pose when shes more gravid. Gravider?
Sunday, 2 September 2018
03 09 2018
Been crackin on,Sts Pamin and Chad done - photos anon - now cleaned palette and brushes. Off to draw today, clean parrot cages and pack, going to Debs funeral tomorrow and then to Porto for a few days.
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