...nothing done, though I have gesso'd four new 60 x 60 canvases. Hoping the size will encourage me to drop the dinky. And been informing myself; zoom with the Warburg on renaissance philosophy, specifically Pico - address by Brian Copenhaver who is one mean scholar. Very taken with Jill Kaye who commented on the talk. Must keep an eye out for her work.
Useful word, Schwarmerei. Literally translates as enthusiasm. In fact means facile, fatuous and delusional enthusiasm. A person with this characteristic is a schwarmer.
One of the other things to emerge is that Acts of Worship are an extinction of selfhood as a consequence of mystical union. Which leads me to another zoom, a Cybersoc - there can be no learning without action (and of course no action without learning)
Don't want to synthesise either talk. Just ponderin'. Art; what is it good for???