Begun after the rather shocking discovery of a tiny geckho on my stomach this morning. On my pyjamas which is I guess why I didn't feel it. Did it sleep on me all night? How did it get there? And many other pointless questions. Eventualy brushed it off to the floor from where it now isn't.
In Amsterdam, by luck, I met Lino Hellings. She advised me to keep my work diary on-line, exposing my work methods rather than protecting them, risking the humiliation involved in failure. So:celebrate error. In my heart I knew this to be a good idea. My brain, horrified, fortunately tells me it will be too boring for anyone to read.
Thursday, 30 December 2021
30 12 2021
Tuesday, 28 December 2021
28 12 2021
All this clearing out... found an interview I did with Kitaj in 1997, extracted from a longer one and corrected by the dear man. So nice to *hear* his voice and see his careful writing. Here it is, can't think where else to store it:
Monday, 27 December 2021
27 12 2021 later
Sunday, 26 December 2021
27 12 2021
Yesterday in studio, apart from Boxing day obligations - and I can't find anything and everything I tried was a disaster!! Yeah, back to normal.
Some things established; the co-misson is complete, packaging (which had seemed important) dosn't matter, the photobook copy is not only impossible but an unnecessary vanity.
Completely lost touch with the painting on the easel.
Wednesday, 22 December 2021
22 12 2021
-at last, spending some time in the studio - sleeping there! Current bedroom has some raucous beastie in the attic which wakes and frankly terrifies me, so decamped to studio couch which is lovely. Moonlight through the skylights.
Archive room nearly nearly done, proper bedroom almost achievable, final details of co-mission possible though probably not till after christmas. Painting new bedroom walls in the spirit of India i.e. brightly, badly, patchily, full of joy.
Thursday, 16 December 2021
16 12 2021
The carnage continues - all my expos, love letters, projects realised and failed now in recycling factory in the Languedoc. Nice sense of being at my own funeral. More to do -
Monday, 13 December 2021
14 12 2021
Suppose there will come a time when the current binning of my life will pay off - certainly in terms of space its a winner. Loosing critical faculties, just binning everything. Full of ancient dust. Dolour to match.
So pushing off to help brother in law do his xmas shopping in carcassonne today -
Sunday, 12 December 2021
12 12 2021
into fiddling mode now.
Yet to do; box the co-mission so its fit for delivery; arrange souvenir photo book; continue stripping archives. Got three days before Bob comes back.
And clean the bloody studio! Its unusable again.
Saturday, 11 December 2021
11 12 2021

Wednesday, 8 December 2021
09 12 2021
Grafting; just putting in the hours. The painting is getting its proper shape but its still a while away - one reason being that there is too much paint on the canvas.
Bob left for a week in London today and most of that which I should be doing can't be done, due to work being done on my bedroom. Next week I can finish the binning of the archives but for the rest of this week its painting - though may have to restart this one on another canvas.
Monday, 6 December 2021
06 12 2021
Damn painting now looks like plasticine - no matter how hard I tried as a kid, the stuff always ended up as a murky green ball. Assange is getting turned to the wall till he's dry.
The photos are back and make sense as a record of the Co-Mission. Plan to download and order photo book. In the meantime, continuing to strip the archive room. Wall between it and bedroom coming down today so a degree of urgency...
Saturday, 4 December 2021
05 12 2021
Friday, 3 December 2021
03 12 2021
Dire painting turning into a prayer for Assange. The poor mans state is a cause for concern. It is unavoidable to compare the state of the policitans whom he proved were war criminals with his pitiful, helpless situation in Belmarsh prision. I dream that he is dying.
Wish I could paint all this better.
Wednesday, 1 December 2021
01 12 2021
Can still shock myself - current painting is dire so presumably breaking some mould and forcing me into a new shape. Hope so, things can't be this bad for nothing. Can they.