Sunday 15 September 2024

16 09 2024

 Holidays continue, self-consciously loafing. Took in the Max Jacob at Ceret, very taken with his astrological readings and their strange beauty.

Bit ho hum about the rest - rather thought someone had found a shoebox of his stuff and stretched it to a show. Padded with his 'circle ' - which was most of the known art world in the early 1900's. 

Monday 9 September 2024

10 09 2024

 Waiting for the gas man. 

Bob in the UK so sheet washing and drying and ironing devolve to me. ALL visitors gone! Several empty houses, one of which I have relocated to, so it feels like a holiday.

All garden produce has to be cleaned, chopped, preserved. 

So that was yesterday (very first world probs) and today is the gas man.

Was going to persevere with Hobbes, Lock and that lot but found a nice Graham Greene... this is my holiday.

Thursday 5 September 2024

06 09 2024

 spent forever on this portrait - now realise it doesn't look like Raul and anyway its horrible. 


05 09 2024


Butterfly finished, ditto centipede... fairly inert here, overwhelmed by writing stuff so paralysed by it, Bruno still visiting -weather on the turn. I'm as confused as the rest of the wildlife.

Wednesday 4 September 2024

04 09 2024


really, ugh... if it wasn't part of a (long) series I wouldn't bovver. 
Which does call the long series into question. 
Spinoza keeping me sane.
The portrait of Raul I did for his feschgrift is out and looks good but nothing like Raul, alas. Bob says it looks warm, which is something.
Apropos, I have to make a video of congratulation for him now, something I've not done before (made a sendable video) and I'm putting off. 

Monday 2 September 2024

02 09 2924

Rather like the bat, above, though I used the wrong ink (Toby had given me a pot of violet ink and a bottle of brown: I'd intended to use my walnut ink but thought I'd give the new stuff a try. Picked up the wrong bottle. Brown bat becomes transformed. Had to work had to pull it back to a respectable likeness and though I have failed, its very bat-ness is apparent.)
Haven't photographed the other pic., a butterfly - meretriciously dull - might just bin it.