Feb nearly gone and book still not available. Its being re-formatted, I believe.
I've been invited to do the drawings for a maths book! Nice job. With a beginning and an end, oh la.
In Amsterdam, by luck, I met Lino Hellings. She advised me to keep my work diary on-line, exposing my work methods rather than protecting them, risking the humiliation involved in failure. So:celebrate error. In my heart I knew this to be a good idea. My brain, horrified, fortunately tells me it will be too boring for anyone to read.
Feb nearly gone and book still not available. Its being re-formatted, I believe.
I've been invited to do the drawings for a maths book! Nice job. With a beginning and an end, oh la.
Its finished done, all over, allelujia....
Gracie stepped in to help when I got baffled by Amazons easy self-publishing process. She and a friend are currently reformatting (?) I am planning a celebratory holiday, which I feel is deserved.
Editing is a joyless task.
Two chapters to go; then on to correct digitally. By which time no doubt some rewrites will be in order.
Grinding on... well over word count now, which means I can do some serious pruning of the padding. Dunno when. Today is Bobs birthday, there is a party here - next week is occupied but not radically so.
I keep telling myself that theres only so much you can say about death, then another book/idea/webpage turns up -
Real proper editing in earnest. I had thought was careful and punctilious; actually, I look slapdash. Got a week before Bob gets home and expect to be done by then.
It does feel like the tip of the iceberg. I could carry on longer. But people are dying and want to know what'll happen to them...
Editing getting easier, quite like what I've written. numbers up and down, as I cut and recall other stuff. Thinking of doing an extra chapter on immortality but too depressing - really, who want to live forever?
Much editing - damn thing turning into a pamphlet. I know size isn't everything but if it seems slight, erm... a mighty tome has more weight. OK enough banter and of course all the most useful and influential books are short... but having to hack out hard-won info grates on me. Just because its only peripherally interesting.
Probably time to do some housework and take a rest. Maybe print the thing out, if I can get some more ink.