Saturday 12 October 2024

13 10 2024

 Ridiculously subtle. Had some spare time yesterday and had a go at drawing but shoulder and repetitive strain injury playing up. Lala.

12 10 2024

 Bobs family here which is very agreeable, constitutes time out. The Med yesterday, curiously devoid of life. Spotted one little fish. Some dead clams. No birds, no plants of interest. Sigh. 

On the plus side, my book about death is growing apace!!!

Sunday 6 October 2024

06 10 2024

 Managing to get time to work - this entry probably counts as displacement therapy - yesterday was all mushrooms. It took rather more time to find them than to draw them, over three days. Results to follow, but dull. Shame really. Been out today and found wild mint and a tiny white thing I don't know the name of - 

In the meantime, old chum and one-time collaborator Leo has died. Feeling bad I'm not going to the funeral but a couple of mates are going from Esperaza and that'll do, no-one will notice I'm not there. Will of course have a very private ceremony here. 

Now the shape of what future is left is clear. Two local mates down with Parkinson's; others with various cancers; my own family in trouble. On the plus side, one brother is in remission.

The more stuff I generate the more trouble I make for my inheritors. Find it hard to take pleasure in this.

Sunday 29 September 2024

29 09 2024

 That's September done with, barring unforeseen activity - 

Thursday 26 September 2024

26 09 2024

Lack lustre but then cactus ain't my driving passion.

Jumpy with todays frustration; waited all morning for gas man to service boiler - and he did, whilst making me uneasy (=skin disease, eye problem etc. Unsmiling) He'd just driven away when I found a loose pipe dripping. Norbert came round. Tim too. Tim rang the company, twice, and splendidly lambasted them but I cant get it fixed till Monday and maybe not then.

So no 11 has no water, new tank being fitted; no 5 has no water, stop-cock problem; now no 9 is questionable. Put on water in Robins house, will use that (after I've cleaned the bath -) 

Tim rang Saur and managed to get them round to deal with stop-cock. They are coming back next week.

Sunday 22 September 2024

22 09 2024

 Bob drove me to collect pix from Quillan - really really really depressing. No more shows now. Possibly no more painting. Though anxious to continue the drawings;Allenna here till Weds and Bob goes then too, so I get a few days free. Having fun with Allenna.

Friday 20 September 2024

20 09 2024

 Got collected by nice man Vincent, sent by the Rotary Club to get some paintings off me for their exhibition. Badly hung in a gym in Quillan, exhausting and really really depressing.

Nice people and one can't fault their ambition -