Friday, 4 November 2016

04 11 2016

St Adela; disciple of Boniface, a Frankish princess, daughter of King Dagobert (656 - 705), who was widowed and founded a convent.
Fucked up St Hilare who was nearly there - how to stop fiddling? - primed 3 canvases. After that I'm out of materials so when whats there is done I will stock-take.


  1. Hi Vanilla! I always looove your work! I am glad you are online. Keep in touch.

  2. Just found your comment Lui - so sorry I'm 6 months late to reply :)
    System of 'comment' had me baffled. But Im very grateful to you as I'm sure you know - all artists value encouragement -

  3. Lui just looked at your site - love your work too! We have many aspects in common x
