Thursday 3 August 2017

03 08 2017 Thurs

Heard yesterday I've been short-listed for the NOA which is on one hand encouraging and on the other, ha, been there before... this time the brothers-in-law have agreed to deliver the pic which will save a large pile of dosh. While I continue to not hold my breath, in a nervous anticipatory sort of way.

If you are one of the two people who sometimes see these postings, will you vote for me?

There's a site with the 500 shortlisted pix and they want 'the people' to make a choice by voting. So if I get enough votes, I get exhibited despite being rejected by the judges. It's up on facebook and friends have been helpful. I've insisted on saying that its not as bad as it looks and this wasn't meant to be a joke -when I dug it out of the garage I was amazed at how much better it was than the photo, on account of the irridescent paints which really don't reproduce well...

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