Feb nearly gone and book still not available. Its being re-formatted, I believe.
I've been invited to do the drawings for a maths book! Nice job. With a beginning and an end, oh la.
In Amsterdam, by luck, I met Lino Hellings. She advised me to keep my work diary on-line, exposing my work methods rather than protecting them, risking the humiliation involved in failure. So:celebrate error. In my heart I knew this to be a good idea. My brain, horrified, fortunately tells me it will be too boring for anyone to read.
Feb nearly gone and book still not available. Its being re-formatted, I believe.
I've been invited to do the drawings for a maths book! Nice job. With a beginning and an end, oh la.
Its finished done, all over, allelujia....
Gracie stepped in to help when I got baffled by Amazons easy self-publishing process. She and a friend are currently reformatting (?) I am planning a celebratory holiday, which I feel is deserved.
Editing is a joyless task.
Two chapters to go; then on to correct digitally. By which time no doubt some rewrites will be in order.
Grinding on... well over word count now, which means I can do some serious pruning of the padding. Dunno when. Today is Bobs birthday, there is a party here - next week is occupied but not radically so.
I keep telling myself that theres only so much you can say about death, then another book/idea/webpage turns up -
Real proper editing in earnest. I had thought was careful and punctilious; actually, I look slapdash. Got a week before Bob gets home and expect to be done by then.
It does feel like the tip of the iceberg. I could carry on longer. But people are dying and want to know what'll happen to them...
Editing getting easier, quite like what I've written. numbers up and down, as I cut and recall other stuff. Thinking of doing an extra chapter on immortality but too depressing - really, who want to live forever?
Much editing - damn thing turning into a pamphlet. I know size isn't everything but if it seems slight, erm... a mighty tome has more weight. OK enough banter and of course all the most useful and influential books are short... but having to hack out hard-won info grates on me. Just because its only peripherally interesting.
Probably time to do some housework and take a rest. Maybe print the thing out, if I can get some more ink.
-so I gallop on, nearly 60,000; made rather smug concluding remarks which will have to go. Lots has to go, really. I fluctuate between marking a thesis - in which case, rewrite - and thinking of readers who'll find it helpful. In which case, rewrite without quite the level of chat.
Bit late to muck about v. may as well get it right.
Over 50,000 and padding out some ideas - still scared of braving the Maturana/ de Chardin marriage I mean to conclude with (unless something changes, again)
Such good fun. So very much easier than painting.
Up to 45 thousand and ready to embrace the difficult biology bit, though not quite; editing and inserts to go. Much more comfortable with it as Jim (Prof R.J. Hankinson) cast his eye over it and apart from suggesting more Descartes and why not Nietzsche? was most helpful.
Mind you, he only saw the index. He will hate the tone.