Wednesday 28 November 2012

Weds 28 Nov 2012

Started work a little late yesterday, unsettled by the proximity of my American guests.
They left last night but spent the day packing and cleaning and I was aware of them and their emotions (they leave their child here to an uncertain life -) Remembered my family and what it was to live in a miasma of love. Their presence has made me miss my father even more and maybe be a little kinder towards my mother. Stopping myself phoning my brothers and being sentimental.

Most of the day spent fiddling with Mondays drawings, determined to achieve that state of otherness when it takes off on its own - but tweaking is tweaking and that'll never happen. Don't think any are useful.

Between times ran at the long thin picture of a sanglier, a cat and a Janus. Not really a Janus, just two-faced; male and female; just a plastic decision, as is all the painting. Back to thinking that painting is a verb, stop thinking about it, get on and do it. Commentary ain't my metier.

Quite liked it when I stopped at 6.00pm, haven't been to the studio this morning so don't know how it is really. Pouring with rain, light awful. Probably devote the day to the Ripley scroll, which hasn't had attention for a time.

 Later; finished a Ripley scroll panel and turned to the picture below, which got some work. Was dealing with the negative spaces which don't work too well in the centre and in the process added a line of yellow to the cats eye. A shock of joy resulted; overwhelming, total, blissful. So I stopped. So did the pleasure but it existed and I remember - like some of the painting and not other bits but there it stays. Back to Circe now or at least after lunch.


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