Latest to be painted over - both much exhibited in the day, neither sold - I liked the mushroom one myself but don't think folk like pink. Wonder if I can incorporate the oyster mushrooms in the new project? Hmm. Client loves work so far, she says. I'm finding the portraits problematical - firstly, hate working from photographs, secondly never seen the originals, thirdly, rather sinisterly, I know that one of the kids (don't know which) is in treatment for cancer and am looking for signs.. really taints the work. They look like little old men in trouble. When dry will use glazes and knock em back.
Been making masks.
These from Gordon Sturrocks widow Sue - old ones of mine that she still likes. I'm delighted to see them, have no photos - remember the god-one in great detail ( it was painted on my old nightie) The portrait of himself he took off me before it was finished. What happy days. The red table, Gordons mad friendship...
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