Friday, 25 September 2020

25 09 2020

 The elk/library not workable till much dryer - want to glaze building and change sky (=twilight proper) so devoted myself to this boy before realising that I've done him before, back in the 1970s... the potter ram-headed god creator. Overwhelmed with ennui.

Wanted to take the day out and hang out in Carcassonne and though the virus has mutated and aint as bad as it was, its now far more frequent which alarms me. Bob has offered to drive me to a couple of stores and I've accepted, despite the miserable rain. In the meantime Tris is working in the garage so I went there to check the paintings weren't being destroyed - and they were. Accordingly have spent the morning re-arranging the stock and taking home the sold painting, which had been left with the corner of another picture dug into it.

Need another plan if I'm going to save work. Think I'II stick with the ennui and take up something that has no storage issues.

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