Wednesday 29 September 2021

29 09 2021

 Finally, got a head full  of ideas. Think I'm through the eye thang or at least through the obsessive terror of it.

Thought of a way of managing the completion of the Co-Mission project so spent the morning mapping it out... pausing only to a) bandage thumb, damaged by bottle opener over weekend and b) bandage wrist, damaged by potato peeler ditto. Revot of the kitchen implements. Couldn't actually use drawing pins on account of  damage a) so using selloptape; painting uncomfortable with turps in b) 

Co-Mission shaping up though. It needs 60 images and so far juggled 14, changing and correcting so its already a bit of a mess. Its all feasible however.

The dummy is on an old screen that I carried here from Rue des Jardins. It's solid, quite modern (1940's) - the panels are wallpapered, neutrally. Perfect for the map. BUT keep thinking what I'd like to paint them.

 Have to hold fire until this is done. 

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