Friday, 1 March 2024

02 03 2024


Louix Maunder RIP...

Here's Louix from her performance days ('96 at Fordham Park)  She packed in a lot when she was young - which is as well as she was only 54 when she died, at 20.45 on Wednesday 28th Feb. 

She'd done some crowdfunding and had enough money to do a few months of touring before the predicted end, but the cancers were too advanced. The plan had been to get here again which would have been just great... but alas.

Our friendship began when we had a shared lover - and turned into a joyful, hysterical, BF -type thing until I moved to France. She came here once and I went to her sea-side retreat once but by then I was somewhat infirm and travel was expensive and hard for us both. We kept in sporadic touch.

Dear Louix was not ready to die. Her daughter had decided it was time to have a child and she wanted to share that with her. Plus, 54... no age really. Ive spent the last few days mourning. 

Slowly shifting stuff in the studio. Been binning drawings and prints unless they are portraits.

rather an odd picture of David Walser... and again

Here's Jan 

and Bernard, working in the studio -
a souvenir of my first major incursion to the monetization of art -
Shedloads still to shift. Depressing isn't le mot juste. 

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