Still cleaning studio.
Whilst ripping and binning bits on walls discover a dearth of Durers.... this pic of Death the Knight and the Devil is there, an old photograph nicked from my great aunt. Always liked because on the one hand there is a lizard getting out of its skin and on the other a skull. What was AD saying?? Was it heretical? Then there's a reproduction bought in the Prado - or Reina Sofia or Thyssen, I forget- of a leopard or some form of cat. And many more I carry in my heart, for two reasons: one, the use of symbols and two, he's imperfect. Often. You can read the struggle and the result and judge if the endeavour was successful. And of course, that self-portrait... which girl didn't fall in love with him?
Had those praying hands on my wall as a child and of course the hare. Wonder which of my parents put those up?
Preferred the pleasure of the Vermeer on the wastepaper basket, possibly because it was on ground level and there was a sense of ownership.
Wonderful feeling, clearing the decks. Gesso'd 2 canvases and a board while I was at it - tomorrow bringing the last series to date to the studio for storage, hence clear out to get space to get stuff together. Currently chaotic though.
Below are drawings that informed the last painting of nude with black bird. The thing that looks like a pantomime carriage really is from the hat museum.

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