Skype booked with TC which I was looking forward to which turned into a spat and left me cross - refugee issues, me virtuous, him wrong - then I had to take Roland to the garage to see about photographing the new work there.
I'm concerned that the paints I'm using will make it hard - it will - but because the light was bad today and he's only seen them under artifical light, I'm not sure hes got the nature of the problem. Cross.
Thence to feed the hens - late, felt guilty.
Finally hit the studio, knackered, realised with horror that Ive got two days grace before next visitors (Bob gets in tonight, his friends on Friday) The beds are not ready and the house is in chaos.
When I say the beds are not ready, I mean that not only are they not ready but that I have nowhere to sleep.
Went through the last few days'drawings, only a handful are useable. Won't bin them yet in case my sour mood is curdling them.
Now having trouble uploading them, sigh.
Repainted some if the face of Leto and moved it firmly out of the studio so I cant fiddle with it.
Rubbish photos, can't read the texts or make out much of the image. Rien est facile. But there is Lucy, new model, excellent worker; and Vladimir and Nessim (Nessim now a swan, from an ugly duckling, because of love) yeah, charming.

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