Friday 4 June 2021

04 06 2021

 Found the title :) A reference to the Babylonian account of the flood, when the gods killed the humans because they were noisy. Always liked that. Though then of course they missed the incense and the smells of sacrifice and there were too may flies, so one of the gods (forgotten who -) snuck a handful of humans back, that he'd saved in an ark...

Nowhere to put anything. Gallery leaking so can't store anything else there, spare bedroom now used to pack and store sold work, stairs up to studio already cluttered. Really MUST work smaller.

Yesterdays watercolour of angel looking into tomb was a disaster, following the one that worked the day before. Was self-pastiching, of course, always stupid, just hadn't noticed. Quite fancy tearing the paper into quarters and having a smaller view.

Was considering stopping work for a while - like, years - because so many of my hero's did just that and came back bigger and better. Don't want to, however. Bieke has stopped working - as she said, she is in over 100 collections and that's enough, she's done her bit. Still teaching though.

Gracie has sorted Amazon, bless the girl, so the glitched pages will be re-processed in some magic way. 

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