Bastard day. Wide awake all night - got up and reorganised my CV for a few hours - still wide awake at the normal getting-up time. Quite happy in the night, it was only at noon that the tiredness hit and hasn't gone away.
Lack of motif an issue. Since my usual method is to take a drawing or drawings and paint them till they lead into wherever it is that they will go, the sense that drawing is crap is a real problem.
But decided to face it fair and square.
Took Mondays' screwed- up drawings from the bin, chose the worst and started to work from it. It works better in paint though too early to tell if its got legs. As it were.
One of the outcomes of sealing up and disposing of notebooks is a reduction of sources -
Been fiddling with the Tumbling Girl and thats shaping up better. Nothing to do but go with it.
Bieke is in town - met her while waiting for the local police to do some admin on the little house. She is refusing to work, after her recent show in Italy that she hated. Made a deal of sense, reminding me of how much time is spent in admin to be able to get to do the little work we get to do in order to humiliate and torture ourselves. Lalala. I feel more positive than that but I do a deal less admin (used to do three aftos a week when in London but don't now, not chasing shows though probably should be)
Her plan is to get rid of stuff and see how she feels then.
Mine is to do more admin., probably. Get CV and catalogues out - only space I can think of that I like is the Jerwood, is it worth the loss to approach them? Nothing to loose but the costs. Will think on't.
Light has gone and Im giving up on today as a bad lot. Tomorrow is ghastly Thursday, Friday disrupted with social stuff. Weekend clear.