Tuesday, 12 January 2016

12 01 2016 Tuesday

Yesterdays' drawing quite startlingly bad; no idea why, except perhaps that I was tierd. Pre-dawn walk to feed hens, hour and a half painting before the drawing; yes, that would tire me. Perfectly sweet model called Tabbitha who could move as well as stay still. Many other artists there, around 17  - maybe the slightly crampedness got to me. Excuses, excuses - I am curious though, I haven't drawn this badly for several years. Will keep this one in case its useful. The rest are in the bin.

Painting goes well after the bluescrumble disaster.

Sat the thing in the studio and looked at it, having slept with it all week. Eventually decided to emphasise the emerging story of vanquished angels and big up the hat of the goddess, whereupon she turned into the Statue of Liberty; nearly.
Always liked that that statue came from France.
Looks like a cross between the S of L and an Indian diety though of course it is Greek. Ish.
Lala. Nearly there though.
Light very bad, weather gloomy and dark. Using electric lights, don't trust them

The tumbling girl may be a lost cause.

The new canvases remain virgin.

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