Wednesday 9 January 2013

jan 09 2013

Walked myself to exhaustion yesterday - so stupid, seemed a good idea at the time but my muscles have atrophied during the illness and my energy ain't right. Did some insipid drawing en route. And today, nothing but clean studio. Glad to report that I can see the floor in about a third of it. Tomorrow will certainly see that finished.
Iain McD has sent the Bellany catalogue from Edinburgh, what a delight. First saw Bellanys portraits at the National  Portrait Gallery a hundred years ago and simply couldn't believe them; haunted the place, trying to fathom them. How could what looked like a formulaic approach have all the subtly and nuance to make a recognisable portrait? Still enchanted by him. Bought a couple of little prints and then a drawing and now own a painting, all a great pleasure. Wish I could afford another. Another several, actually.

Tonight I shall watch a DVD and get some sleep.

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