Saturday 18 February 2012

sat feb 18

Finished the Yellow King - at least I thought I did, yesterday, signed and dated, but this morning there is rather an odd problem with his too-yellow knee which looks like a letter being passed between 4 sets of hands. Like the ambiguity; perhaps emphasize? Or change, or leave... dunno.

Determined to finish Melusine very very soon. Another late start because I had a bath - something to do with her tub probably. I could shift the whole scene to my bath tub, with her tails frothing out. But the whole package is so slight - why bother?

Fear the difficulties I'm experiencing are to do with lack of engagement in the process. After all, if that is going well then the who-is-it-for why-am-I-bothering issues just don't arise. Time to focus up then.
Took some walnut ink and red ink to some watercolours and that was good. For the quality of the engagement, not for the result... this game is only measurable by the results, alas. Is there a visible link between the magic of the fluent process and the end product? Sometimes something hard fought and laborious can be as succsefful as the poetic-prayer union.

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