Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Nov 16th

wretchedly sleepless night in the course of which I realised that the green wasn't the problem, the problem was the red of the bishop against it. Now gold, with texture; textured with the yellow nightie of fond memory, using the green flowers embroidered on it - it was in pieces in my ragbag having been worn into the ground. Nice that it should have a swan song as the print on a bishops cope. Cope? Vestment? - Frock.
Many more changes... deaths head has an eyepatch, eases the flow of direction across the space, chair of the Marylin had to be muted, purple frock had to be upped, central chakra had to dissolve. Found a tube of sponge brought back from Martinique with exactly the right mouth to print the lightbulbs. Works OK. Carousel deco nearly finished (trouble with mirrors), have to chrome the rods that hold the dolls, need to make an half ellipse of brighter green outside the carousel.
Has to be left now as tomorrow is domestics followed by three days of Bob and Clare. Will try and get press adjusted in the course of domestic day, there is an idea with paint thick translucent tracing paper and proper heavy printmaking paper I want to try out. Looking forward to the break.
Have left notes on the bits that need fiddling as Ive run out of light and the use of artifical does no favours at this stage.

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