Monday, 7 November 2011

November 7

The Lautrecs were wonderful - he seems to have never made a duff one, never a fudge. How come? Did he destroy the failures? Or was he just extraordinarily good, graphically? Wonder what would have happened to his work had he lived. Would it have evolved or declined...
Went to draw this morning determined not to self-pastiche. Feel my drawing has become mannered but how else to find direction in a void - without the random marks, the offerings to luck, the opportunities for chance. Intellect fails where dreams allow.
Same model as last week, arrived late, he was uninspired and uninspiring. Did only watercolour, even for the 2 min poses. Results are poor. Maybe something will emerge when the dust settles.
Not set foot in studio. Paperwork is todays price for evasion.

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