Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Tous Saints

Weekend off for Bobs visit. Started again Monday at dawn and reworked the thief's thighs, honed up the arrow. Met the model -Nazir?- for it in the market on Sunday, he was carrying a bag of his drawings framed in little clip frames; started to show me and when I said I couldn't buy any he said they were not for sale, this was his museum. They had real quality - very impressed.
At 10.00 went to life drawing and he was again the model. He worked very hard - excellent model, in total contrast to the hoity-toity disdain he'd offered for the work I'd done of him previously. The very last drawing of the morning worked - its so faint as to be almost invisible, which challenges my notion that its pointless doing things that aren't easily reproducible (like David Jones, though as technology has moved on he can now have his moment) and also picks up on my contrary but also-held notion that art should be furtive to become particular (ref low-tide and underground sculptures of my youth) Ownership starts with discovery. Or vice-versa?
Totally overwhelmed and charmed by my drawing anyway. Long time since this has happened. Don't know if its any use but have been trying to work out why it works for me. Its made of 5 separate elements that hang together, completely by luck - perhaps it works because its like seeing Im capable of being lucky or making myself available to luck. It was 2 hours slog to reach that point, after all. Perhaps its the delicacy I like, since the painting I'm mostly working on is as subtle as a sledgehammer.

Today is Tous Saints and the French will be in graveyards. Would enjoy joining them. Mist just lifting - will see how the morning goes.

Later *finished the thief picture, was very keen to see how it looked outside the studio which is one way of knowing if a thing is ended. Dated 011111 which was a pleasure. Its very loud, very very loud. Need more time around it yet.
Framed the drawing that had so enchanted me - because its so slight I thought I might loose it - used a frame that had a history for me (bought with sweet faded still life for a few quid years ago, because I liked the glass- old and flawed, lovely - left it in junk shop to do proper shopping, came back and someone had broken it. Replaced but of no interest now) Came across the now-framed picture by accident and found it uninteresting. Sigh. How these things tease.
Working on the original picture of the thief, the anubis one - it moves but pedantically. Again, don't know what I'm doing. Same with the nude-over-rape picture. I'm still putting off the big canvas, still unsure about the carousel, seem to have lost the studies for it.
Tomorrow have to chase about dealing with household things so will continue tonight under artificial light.

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