Tuesday 10 January 2012

tuesday inertia

Jan 10th Tuesday
Misty morning - later the light was wonderful but by then I had scrapped the paint off the tulips canvas (what was I thinking of?) and wandered off. Trying to fix the fire put on the TV and got caught by a German programme with french dubbing on the Voynich MS, an old favorite. All that seems to be new is that the vellum can be dated from 1404 - 1438, pretty precise. They seem to think it was an Edward Kelly forgery but they also suggested it was juvenalia by L de Vinci. sigh. My money is on the wife of Kelly - Ive forgotten her name, Jane? Who started off with Dee and had to be swopped, according to the voices. Reasons: Its girly, its time consuming, the materials are expensive, there is no training nor signs of education but with a strong awareness of what a book *should* be like, etc etc. Its the girlishness really. And she must have been some woman. Didn't not join in at some level (as well as the swopped wife one, natch)

I'm avoiding the studio today. And probably for the next week as Bob is here. I'm banging my head on a brick wall and its time to stop and consider. Except for one of the paintings, the faux Watts Hope, which might have some mileage.

Later; ended up back in studio but only to put some blue next to the horse fly. Such a good colour. So added a bit of landscape. Then went for a walk. Dropped off CV and price list at gallery K ., bumped into friends, wandered in sunshine, ignored the futility of my pursuits.

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