Friday, 3 January 2014

3rd Jan Friday 2014

- two days fleshing in the Twilight... its a funny business but despite my attitude I find the matter engages, entraps me. Masking tape and filling gaps is as soulless as painting gets but the nature of the thing I'm pretending to make demands that I consider it wholly as I do it- not explaining this well. Interesting though. Not a phenomenon Ive observed before but then  rarely just slap on paint for the sake of it.
Direction getting clearer though baffling. Want two luminous figures in the foreground, outside of all the action - prelapsarian - has envisaged a couple of Hindu like deities with that hysterical colouring but want to use my own studies. A drawing of Marie tumbling is obvious and whilst searching for a companion, as fun and as frivolous, found the recent drawing of Atmo and Aileen which she styled Adam and Eve. But its too earnest.
Anyway, lunchtime.

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