Lovely day; spent a couple of hundred euros on paint, yeah - got the irridescent pebeo XL in the sales, 7 euros a pop. Fear it will soon disappear as some of the stores have stopped carrying it so plan to get what l can when l can - love the translucent colours and the hysterical brightness of the shiny ones. May go back Thursday if Andree will take me and get a shed load more.
Margaret took me today - we went to the expo at the Maison des Memoires and lo! A woodcut, very simple, yelling for attention that turned out to be by Miro. Voila; a bad snap hastily done.
What is it - and at what point in the process does it occur - that makes a few simple marks thrum with life?
Went to the Musee des beaux arts too, it was awful.
Bought lefranc and b gesso, lots of sennelier white, hahnemuhle block of watercolour paper. Tomorrow is clear to slash and burn worrying canvas of T of the G. Have also changed position of my bed so dreams cant get me. Hopefully.
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